Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today's Buzz - North Korea, Carrie Prefean and Holocaust Museum Shooting

North Korea Keeps Pushing It, International Sanctions

Following the sentencing of the two US journalists by North Korea and concrete threats against South Korean ships nearing North Korean coastline, the international community has finally stepped up sanctions against the rogue nation, part of a long line of attempts to settle the North Korean nuclear threat diplomatically. Dear Leader's appointment of his apparent heir is yet another cause of instability in the region. Full Story

Carrie Pretean Fired from Miss California

Carrie Pretean, the center of the much hyped media storm over some controversial comments, has officially lost her crown as Miss California. The questionable decision will no doubt thrust her back into the talk radio spotlight for the conservative media desperately seeking representatives less polarizing than figures like Cheney and Limbaugh. Here we go again... Full Story

Shooting at Holocaust Museum

An elderly white supremacist opened fire on visitors to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC today, killing a security guard and wounding others. The gunman, James W. von Brunn, had a reputation for being a conspiracy theorist and having issues with the federal government. Full Story

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